MMT Connections accepts information to include in the appropriate newsletter based on the following criteria:
* You must be a not-for-profit organization (excluding Chambers of Commerce)
* You must be either:
- Based in Milford or Miami Township OR
- Presenting an event or opportunity within Milford or Miami Township
Please note the deadlines for each category - we must receive your information by the deadline for it to be included in the next newsletter. Otherwise, it will be held for the following newsletter. No exceptions!
* Description: Updates on upcoming athletic events hosted by non-profits that are taking place within the area
* Released: Once a month, first Friday of the month
* Deadline: Last Tuesday of the month prior
* Contact: Meg Krsacok
* Description: Any type of arts event hosted by a non-profit
* Released: Once a month, second Friday of the month
* Deadline: The Tuesday before the first Friday of the month to be released
* Contact: Kim Chamberland
* Description: Community-based classes for pre-school children; school-age children; or adults (choose the age category you'd like to receive)
* Released: Once a month, third Friday of the month
* Deadline: Second Friday of the month
* Contact: Will Menz
Special Events
* Description: Any type of event that does not fit in the Arts or Classes category. For instance, a benefit held in the area, the polo match held at Miami Meadows, or Milford's Sunflower Street Fest would fit in this category
* Released: Once a month, fourth Friday of the month
* Deadline: Third Tuesday of the month to be released
* Contact: Meg Krsacok
Business Events/Networking
* Description: Meetings and other opportunities for businesspeople, as long as they are presented by a non-profit organization
* Released: Once a month, first Monday of the month
* Deadline: The Wednesday before the last Friday of the month prior
* Contact: Kim Chamberland